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City Council Agenda 06-09-2011
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Chapter 39 §23B, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

A Regular Meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,

June 9, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of
this meeting was posted on June 2, 2011 at 6:45 P.M.  This meeting is being taped and is

live on S.A.T.V.   

       Absent were:

       Council President Ryan presided.

Councillor                      moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting.


 President Ryan requested that everyone please rise to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Testimony not to exceed 15 minutes
Name must be on roster 30 minutes prior to meeting
Agenda items only


ORDERED:  Comcast to repair underground vault cover on Summer Street




Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                              MOVED GRANTED                                   VOTED


Mayor’s reappointment of Donald Blakely, Jr. to serve as a Constable with a term to expire on June 29, 2013.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Received & Filed                  


BOND ORDER: Appropriation for the sum of $4,022,500.00 in connection with the proposed FY2011-2015 City of Salem Capital Improvement Plan for a variety of improvement projects.

Action Contemplated

Councillor                      Moved suspension of rule                Councillor                      Object

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Adoption for first passage by Roll call vote
                                                YEAS               NAYS           ABS




Councillor Ronan

ORDER: To have a warning sign “Slow Children at Play” in front of #82 Linden Street, post facing both directions, two yellow warning signs.

COUNCILLOR Ronan                        Moved Approval                                  Voted


Councillor McCarthy

ORDER: That the Committee on Administration and Finance co-posted with the Committee of the Whole meet with the new City Council Budget Analyst for his overview and analysis of the FY2012 budget and that this meeting take place on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 6:00 P.M.

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR McCarthy                     Moved Approval                                  Voted

Councillor Pelletier

ORDINANCE amending Traffic  c.42 §50B, Handicapped Zone, Limited Time Ocean Avenue West

COUNCILLOR Pelletier            Adoption for first passage                                      Voted


Councillor Sosnowski

ORDINANCE amending Traffic c.42 §50B, Handicapped Zone, Limited Time Essex Street

COUNCILLOR Sosnowski            Adoption for first passage                                      Voted


Councillor Prevey

ORDINANCE amending Traffic  c.42 §50B, Handicapped Zone, Limited Time Irving Street

COUNCILLOR Prevey               Adoption for first passage                                      Voted


Councillor Prevey

RESOLUTION: That the City Council of Salem recognizes the diverse fabric of Salem of which the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender community has made valuable contributions in the areas of business, the arts, volunteerism, private and public leadership, civil rights, medicine and education and hereby joins in celebrating June as Gay Pride Month.

COUNCILLOR Prevey               Adoption                                                        Voted


Councillor Ryan

ORDER: That the regular meeting of the City Council for the months of July and August be combined and held on Thursday, July 14th, 2011.

Councillor Ryan                 Moved Adoption                                  Voted



COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding granting certain licenses and would recommend approval

PUBLIC GUIDES           Urias O’Keefe, 81 Marion St., Lynn
                                Dominic Lavorante, 171 Loring Ave., Salem
TAG DAYS                        S.H.S. Football Cheerleading Boosters, 7/10/11, 7/23/11 & 8/7/11

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding the matter of a hearing request by William Timothy Keane on the denial of his taxi operator license and would recommend approval

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs regarding the matter of a hearing request by Elliott Eflin on the denial of his taxi operator license and would recommend upholding the denial

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding amending an ordinance relative to the compensation of the School Committee and would recommend to raise compensation by $500.00 for a total of $3000.00 per year and review every other year and to have Solicitor submit draft amended ordinance.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR Lovely offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding amending an ordinance relative to Ch. 2 Licensing Board Clerk and duties of the Solicitor and would recommend (meeting held after agenda deadline action unknown)

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance regarding the $360,000.00 appropriation from “Retained Earnings – Water Fund” to reduce gross amount raised through water rates to fund the FY2012 Water Enterprise Fund and would recommend (meeting held after agenda deadline action unknown)

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance regarding the $148,000.00 appropriation from “Retained Earnings – Sewer Fund” to reduce gross amount raised through sewer rates to fund the FY2012 Sewer Enterprise Fund and would recommend (meeting held after agenda deadline action unknown)

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted

COUNCILLOR McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee on Administration and Finance co-posted with the Committee of the Whole regarding the 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Plan and would recommend approval of the plan.

Accept the report                                       Voted

Adopt the recommendation                        Voted


COUNCILLOR Ryan offered the following report for the Ad-Hoc Committee on Re-Precincting regarding adoption for first passage the plan and legal description for Wards and Precincts

                                                Accept the report                                       Voted

                                                Adopt the recommendation by roll call vote
                                                        YEAS,           NAYS            ABSENT

Councillor                      Moved for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail

Communication from Charles Puleo, Chairman for the Planning Board with the Planning Board recommendation to accept the withdrawal of the petition to rezone 111 Highland Avenue from Residential One-Family (R-1) to Wholesale and Automotive (B-4).

Councillor                              Moved Receive and File                          Voted



Request from residents of Shore Avenue to hold a block party (along seawall) on Monday, July 4, 2011 from Noon to 10:00 P.M.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ronan                        Moved Granted                                   Voted

Request from residents of Hemenway Road (Osgood Park) to hold a block party on Monday, July 4, 2011 from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR O’Keefe                      Moved Granted                                   Voted

Request from residents of Scenic Avenue to hold a block party on Saturday, July 16, 2011 from Noon to Midnight

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ryan                 Moved Granted                                   Voted

Request from residents of Puritan Road to hold a block party on Saturday, August 27, 2011 with a rain date of September 3rd.

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR Ryan                 Moved Granted                                   Voted

Request from Floating Hospital for Children Tufts Medical Center to use City Streets to hold a Cycle for Life on September 17, 2011 starting from Marblehead and traveling through Salem and ending in Manchester by the Sea, starting at 9:00 AM.

Councillor                                      Moved Approval                                  Voted


Communication from Victor Cora, Manager of Segway Salem informing Council of new business name change to Salem SegGliders

Action Contemplated

Councillor                              Moved Received & Placed on File                 Voted

The Following Licenses:

PUBLIC GUIDES           Joanne Marie Wolf Tail “Rhiannon”, 370 Main St., Gloucester
                                Colleen O’Toole, 7 Union St., Salem
TAG DAYS                        S.H.S. Girls Soccer, September 25, 2011 and October 16, 2011
                                Disabled American Veterans, November 4, 5, and 6th, 2011

Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Ref. to the Comm. on Ord.,                        VOTED
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs

The Following Claims:

                                Derek Surles, 27 Planters St., Salem
                                Sharon Gardner, 38 Orne St., Salem
Action contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs                                        Voted

The Following Bonds

SIGNS:                  Strega, 94 Lafayette St., Salem
                                Salem Beer Works, 278 Derby St., Salem
                                The Urbane Cyclist, 144 Washington St., Salem

Action Contemplated

COUNCILLOR                      Moved Refer to Comm. on Ord.,
                                        Licenses & Legal Affairs & Ret. Appvd                   Voted




        On the motion of COUNCILLOR                              the meeting adjourned at                 P.M.